
The news has been splattered with new schools and what they should be named or school name changes over the years. Some is due to controversy and some is due to wanting to honor someone that deserves it. Usually the name is a famous person from the state or town they’re in or a person […]

Imagine being part of a mine collapse. We’ve seen it play out on the news in real life and we’ve seen it in movies and TV shows either as fiction or reenactments of real world events. Thinking you may be buried alive is pretty frightening. Imagine though if you were on top of the ground […]

Wildlife officials in Missouri said a man fishing for catfish in the Osage River was surprised to reel in a massive black carp instead. The Missouri Department of Conservation said Jesse Hughes, of Bonnots Mill, Osage County, was fishing for catfish with friends when he caught something big. “We hooked into it and knew it […]

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