
At this time of year the turtles are moving around quite a bit. Driving home now I see them on the road regularly and do my best to not hit them. There is a variety of big and small turtles between box and painted turtles and snapping turtles. If you can safely get one off […]

Nature has it’s moments of pure joy and beauty. Times where we see it in action and realize that without its natural course that the world would be in a bad place. Nature can also be brutally frightening and catch us off guard. Yup, animals attack other animals and not every cuddly creature makes it. […]

The Earth will always be undefeated in the end. Can you imagine hearing a sound like thunder and going outside to see most of your land missing? What do you do other than run away? You can’t stop it. Who do you even call, a geologist? Luckily this sinkhole formed far enough away from the […]

Nature is a wonderful, beautiful thing. We live in it regardless of whether you’re in a big city or a house in the country. There are times when we take advantage of it and sometimes where it forces us to take notice of it. It’s nice to see people stopped and let her get them […]

Welcome to 2020! Even in Norway they are affected by this terrible year. It’s as if this part of Norway was just like, “Alright I’m out!”

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