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Movies can be simply for entertainment and escapism. You sit down and simply disappear into the story and remove all disbelief in order to be entertained. Usually these are referred to as “popcorn” movies and they are full of action or comedy, and aren’t considered in the Oscar race. They’re just good fun! On the […]

There is something satisfying when there is a cameo in a show or a movie. Sometimes it is done to connect us to older versions of the show/movie like having Charlton Heston playing an ape in the remake of Planet Of The Apes in the early 2000s. There are times it is done for comedic […]

This weekend there was a certain movie that may have shattered a number of box office records with it’s arachnid themed superhero. In my avoid-all-spoilers-on-social-media mode ( because I couldn’t go see it this weekend) I delved into a movie that I think would have done pretty well in theaters too had it been released […]

If you haven’t been watching Cobra Kai on Netflix over the last few years I question your life decisions. Mostly I do that if you grew up watching the original Karate Movies from the 80s starring Ralph Macchio. Even if you never saw them you have heard or used the quote “wax on, wax off” […]

Unfortunately there might not be a lot of snow to send the kids out to play on. No snowmen. No sledding. No snowball fights. That sounds terribly boring. Your whole family might be inside for a bit this holiday season with no school work to do or maybe you’re finally using that vacation time before […]

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