
Over the years we have seen several moments where man and beast meet and man usually loses. Bulls jumping over fences or stadium barriers is rare but not new. In Oregon Saturday night a bull jumped over the fence and was loose in the crowd. It ran over two people and a women got violently […]

We all know that it’s very important to get everyone vaccinated against Covid-19. We know that the vaccine has to be stored properly or basically it spoils. In Oregon there were health care workers on their way to administer the vaccine, but they got stuck at a traffic accident. The vaccines they had were at […]

When you go to the beach you look forward to some sun, sand and maybe a dip in the water. Sometimes a day at the beach isn’t even a day at the beach. Some folks in Oregon go trapped when a cliff came apart and sent a rockslide down that trapped them in a manmade […]

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