
We all know that the Amish are not allowed technology. They stay away from any use of modern … well, anything. We’ve also seen shows and stories about those that sneak away and use modern technology and sometimes bring that contraband back to their communities. Some of those guys apparently got busted last week when […]

Apple unveils its new iPhone 15 today.  At 1:00 P.M. Eastern. Are you an “early adopter” who upgrades immediately? Or are you rockin’ that iPhone 8 until the wheels fall off? 77% of Americans in a new survey say having the latest tech is at least somewhat important to them. But 31% of us are NOT early […]

I am a lucky person in that my bladder is pretty strong. I almost never leave my seat at a Vikings game and I definitely never walk out to use the facilities when I go to a movie. I do my best to “go” just before I go in to the theater so I can […]

Surprises are the best! Just ask my wife who loves it when I won’t tell her where we’re going or what we’re doing because I want it to be a surprise. What movie did I just put in? I won’t tell her! What noisy gift did I buy for a friend having a baby? She […]

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