
When it comes to iconic music groups in Country Music The Oak Ridge Boys are near the top of the list. Their harmonies and songs are undeniable in the Country fans’ hearts and minds. Their song Elvira is a bit of a pop culture classic as well. They will be at the Viterbo Fine Arts […]

There will always be a few new words that become part of the lexicon and deserve their place in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary. They become a meaningful part of people’s everyday language and are timeless. Even some slang words become fit to join the list. Now a large number of words have been added to the […]

You can make donations and/or attend and have a great night raising funds that stay and help local families! There are many items to bid on including homemade goods from local bakers, chefs, and canning aficionados, and donated items from local businesses. Join the folks in Houston to support local people battling cancer!

Sometimes our CSOTM is someone you largely know and can identify them by a one word name, like Garth, Miranda, Dierks, or Dolly. Sometimes we focus on a newcomer whose star is just starting to shine. This month we want you to get to know Lainey Wilson and her new song “Things A Man Oughta […]

When I attend the “Great Minnesota Get Together” I don’t tend to drink too much alcohol. We’ve generally gone as a family and I don’t want to stumble all over the grounds and drip Big Fat Bacon syrup all down the front of me due to not being able to find my mouth. When I […]

Alzheimer’s isn’t waiting, and neither is the Alzheimer’s Association. You can participate in the 2020 walk to end Alzheimer’s to raise awareness and funds to support Alzheimer’s care and research. this year, the walk is virtual and it’s everywhere! KQ98 cares along with the La Crosse Regional Airport and Mattresses and More in Winona are supporting […]

It’s one of the few days of my life that I remember almost every moment of. Where I was, what I was doing, who I was with and conversations I had during the day. I lived in the Twin Cities at that time and parking ramps were closed for bomb sniffing dogs. Police were mobilized […]

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