social media

As much as the Internet and social media can be a place for terrible things and people, it can also be a great tool. The Internet, when used properly can help people reconnect with loved ones or old friends. We can know more than we ever needed to by simply clicking a few buttons and […]

When I saw the title for Netflix’s newest movie pop up I had to determine if it was a comedy or a horror story. Turns out that Uglies is neither and is, in fact a young adult (YA) teen drama based on a book akin to the “Divergent” book series that became movies as well. […]

Recently I’ve covered new movies that have been sequels or remakes. The thing is that if the nostalgia is deep enough or if the movie is a vast improvement they make money and people enjoy them. There has always been a clamoring for shows and movies to be remade with shouts of “This would be […]

Well, here we go again. Every so often someone comes up with a new challenge or thing to do on the socials. Usually they are harmless but some of them aren’t safe or are downright mean. This one is more on the harmless end of things unless you get too overzealous in your application of […]

New relationships, they aren’t official nowadays until they’re social media official it seems. We often see someone’s relationship status change on Facebook followed by friends and family congratulating them or telling them that it’s about time they announced it. It has become the social norm and almost a cause of concern when you know someone […]

March 27th, 2022 is a day that has become infamous in Hollywood lore. At the 94th Academy Awards the hot topic was Will Smith being up for the Oscar for Actor In A Lead Role for his portrayal of Richard Williams in “king Richard”. The night was a typical one for most awards shows of […]

There is always some mystery around voices we hear on a daily basis, but never see the person doing them. You probably remember a voice from a series of commercials or a cartoon and wonder what the real person looks like. Some people have made huge careers off only being heard on TV, radio, or […]

Movies can be simply for entertainment and escapism. You sit down and simply disappear into the story and remove all disbelief in order to be entertained. Usually these are referred to as “popcorn” movies and they are full of action or comedy, and aren’t considered in the Oscar race. They’re just good fun! On the […]

This is something I’ve been saying for years. When it comes to musicians, celebrities, athletes, and politicians some people take their personal view and stance on them too personally. The general public may see them interact on social media in some way, but then see them together in a public setting or a professional appearance […]

This is something I will not be a part of. Seems a little creepy if you ask me. The trend of texting your “number neighbor” has been sweeping social media platforms over the past few days. Your number neighbor is the phone number that is one digit away from the last number of your cell […]

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