
We’ve all had the experience in the tri-states of driving along and having wildlife decide to join us on the road. Whether you’re driving or merely a passenger you’ve felt the suddenness of the brakes being applied and stared hopelessly into the eyes of a woodland creature as it prepares to bounce off your grill […]

My one concern when going out hiking when we went up north was running into wildlife that didn’t want us in their woods. Now, I wasn’t nervous or terrified to go out there, but it was something we all should be aware of when heading out into nature. Bears are always the subject of people […]

A young man out for a walk came across a momma and her babies a few miles down the trail. Needless to say he had to endure 6 minutes of walking backwards with the mountain lion following him and lunging and hissing at him and showing it’s teeth. Luckily he did everything the right way […]

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