
One thing you can’t control is the weather. This weekend we’ll get a mix of rain and sun and Friday and Saturday may be the days to stay indoors. Sunday the sun comes back and then you can plan to get back out there! Here’s a few ideas for both inside and out this weekend. […]

It’s the first weekend in November and you don’t want cabin fever to set in too soon! Craft sales and fun events are happening all over the tri-states including bull riding. Here’s some things to check out this weekend that are are different from each other. A little variety! Find more at Around River City! […]

This weekend it looks to be chilly and rainy. Not a great combo for going to the apple orchard or getting lost in a corn maze. Inside might be a better plan unless the elements make the outdoor event better. I know, it’s a bit of a contradiction there but bare with me. I’ll share […]

Everyone has fears. Whether they let you know it or not even the bravest person has something that makes them shake in their boots a bit. Heights, spider, snakes, speed, flying … you name it, there are people afraid of anything you can come up with. For me it isn’t height but the not having […]

This week I decided to do a bit of a change up. It’s a long weekend and the weather should be great for outside activities. If you’re sitting indoors over the 4th Of July weekend it’s probably mostly to just cool down or get away from your drunk friend that won’t stop yelling “‘Murica!” at […]

It’s time to celebrate all things Germany with brats, pretzels, beer, and polkas! Oktoberfest in La Crosse is one of the biggest and the best in the United States! We are wishing everyone a Happy Oktoberfest and hope you have a great weekend either at the fest grounds, the carnival, or the Maple Leaf parade! […]

Every summer we make big plans to have some fun. Boating , camping, vacations and of course CONCERT FESTIVALS! Well, the festivals and concerts were shelved, but we want to help you feel like you’re there right in your backyard, camper, or wherever you’re celebrating this weekend! We’re having a CAMPFIRE CONCERT starting at 5PM […]

The commercials started off cute and made you smile! Kids doing fun things with others or with their imaginations! Then we got this gem from Microsoft. After that they went straight for your heart! Taking childhood memories and sad moments that made my wife hate me for showing them to her when they popped on […]

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